Geraldine Dolson Chambers
- April 22, 1965
SECTION TWO Being Held In Wayne J ai Police Transfer Marine After He Admits Stabbing Carl David Whittaker, 2i, charged with murder in the knife slaying of a. young Williamson housewife and mother of two, spent an uneventful night in the Wayne County jail where he is held under aecurily measures, sheriff's deputies said today. • ■ Police moved Whittaker from, the Mingo County, jap in Williamson, . his home town, yesterday afternoon for what Mingo Prosecuting Attorney Mark Russell described as "partly lor his personal safety" and because of the poor condition of the Mingo jail. Russell said Whittaker had signed a statement admitting he killed Mrs. Geraldine Dolson Chambers, 27, in her - apartment jn the FairvieW' Addition of Williamson on Tuesday afternoon. Jailers at Wayne said today Whittaker is permitted no visitors and is kept under close observation, Mrs. Chambers' h u sb a. n d, Robert, 30, nn art teacher at Williamson High School, found her body in the bedroom of their apartment home. Her body had heert/tahbed and slashed about 68 times. HEART. LUNGS STABBED Dr.' Russell A. Salton, chief of iiaff of Williamson Memorial Hospital, said an autopsy disclosed death' had been caused by internal bleeding. He - said some of the stab wounds penetrated both the heart and the lungs. He said the woman had not been sexually molested. ■A neighbor said Whittaker . had been cutting the lawn oat side the Chambers' apartment the afternoon of the slaying. The apartment is over a garage on the properly of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thurston, who reside in a house next door. Po Uee said Whittaker ii a boy friend of Sadie Thurstnn, daughter of the property owners. Justice of the Peace Sid Stalling* said he had heen told that . Mrs. Chambers, had twice asKed Whittaker to stop because the lawnmower noise disturbed her . sleeping babies, Todd, Bged II months, and Mark, 7 months. He saic the investigation revealed that Mrs. Chambers had been followed Into her apartment by » man who struck her in the face with his fists, knocked her unconscious, after which the knife wounds were inflicted. SEARCH WARRANT Magistrate Mailings .issued a search warrant Tuesday night for the Whattakerhome where, he said, th« clothes worn by . Whittaker while cutting grass were found. He said he had been told they had been - washed but what appeared to be blood was found on the collar. Whittaker had scratches on the neck that first aroused the curiosity of investigating police when he anneared at the scene of the murder investigation af - ' shall Itoiversitv branch colleai in Williamson shortly before the slaying. He said Mrs. Chamber's had been silting niii in the yard as he and Whittaker - got in the car. Thurston related "It wai about :2:.K) and Jerry! (Mi's - . Chambers) was sitting o'utl in the yard and she said "I'm going to. kill David for - using the STORK VISIT ALTERS CAST IN 'CHAILLOV ' Mrs. Nicholas Ludinglon had good, news yesterday for her husband, a United Press International newsman— the stork - left a calling card at . their home, 170S Virginia St. E. And, she had bad news for Stan Fedyszyn, director of the Kanawha Players. The doctor advised her to nuit the. cast' of the Players production of "Madwoman of ChaiHot," opening April 30 at Civic. Center Theater. Mrs. Ludington had the role of one of the four "mad ■ women," Gahrioll*. With opening curtain only 10 days off, Fedysiyh faced a problem in aubstituling an actress in the vacated role «t this late dale. Today It looked like imootb jailing again at Players' rehearsals. c>*r» Green, a Morris Harvey Col - >ge student, who wa* seen '.' a* "Joan" In "Th* Larfc," win portray Gabrietle. CHARGED IN DEATH — Cart David Whittaker. 21, a • Marine home on leave, has been charged with murder in the knife slaying of Mrs. Geraldin.e Dotson Chambers. il7. of Wiiliamson. Photo js from a high school ■yearbuok. Whittaker graduated from Williamson High in 1963. — AP Wirepholo. lawnmnwer ..and keeping mv\ babies awake. - ' I said 'he didn t I mean to,' or something like that,! and she said !Oh Floyd, Tm just' kidding.' She wasn't mad Or anything." .Thurston said .Whittaker, a Marine home on 'leave, was un officially engaged to his. daugh ter. He said W'Mllaker and Sadia ter discovery of (he body. He!had a data to go to a ball game said briars had caused the iat 4 o'clock and be assumed Da - sfralches. vid would co to his house and Floyd Thurston said Whittak - t get cleaned up and go to the «r had driven mm w we iwar - "Mv wife nicked me up at 4:30 and loin me atiout the murder." he said. "When. 1 got home juavin was mere. "He had some scratches jhis neck and when f a about them he said the jbushes scratched him while he (wbs mowing the lawn. I didn't (feel too good about his .answer because the scratches were so| wide and deep, but J didn't say; anything to him because he was sucn a twe Doy. " State police arrested Whittak - sr Tuesdav at 8:30 p. m.. on the front porch of the Thurston home. Cpl. C. A. Berkley of the state nolice and Mincn Sher iff Steve" Adkins said Whittaker lened a Iive - naue. handwritten statement in their presence Wednesday at 2:40 a. m. Whittaker yesterday morning waived to grand jury action in Magistrate Sellings' court and Is held - for action of the jury which begins its next term Mav S. Mrs. Chambers was the daughter of Mr. and 1 Mrs. .Tames Dotson of Pheliw. Ky. Her body is at a funeral home m I tieips. Wins Poster Award Local winner of the West Vir ginia Youth Conservation Art Potter contest n Barbara Gale Sunintn nl tk* Pinch Anache* 4 - H Club. She js now eligible for on* of th* statewide awards to be given by the State Department of Natural Resources and the Sears - Roebuck Founda tion, Th* awards will be pre sented May U it Boll; River s«t« pan, students will mean a Job with highway projects or other construction.. Administered by the Kanawha :Ceunty school system in cooper - ,: utinn with state and . leoerai .agencies, the project seeks to retrain some of the unemployed. The tools are four bulldozers ranging from lfi to Z5 - ion utiits, an all - purpose patrol: |grad*r and other earth - moving equipment. _ FOREST BENEFITS The forest area will Bain' 26 miles of dual lane highways, new sections for. picnic and camp silcs and excavation ■ for another swimming pool, Next Mondav. a similar oner - ■ation will start in Hancock State. Park. Soonsors hone a session will begin May 3 al Pinnacle Rock State Park near Biue field. James Handlev. business manager for Local - No. 123. International Union of Operating Engineers, said there had been no ompouts among me *v rollees. In fact. Handlev said. man has been hitchins rides for: .36 miles every nay in orcier 10 siding near - Institute' has walked) tftree miles to get transport. tion. Veterans arc serving as in: strnctors: James Pruett. Omar Nichols , and Sam Hardm havej a combined emrjlovment record of nearlv «! vears. Nichols is the principal - instructor In pre - ; ■■■■■■■■■> smmnwr - zf* - ■>*& - i aeBpr - ^awawjiw - eajBaww* — LEARNING BULLDOZER TECHNIQUES - Hewing out nev/ trails in the Middle. Kidge section of Kanawha Slate Forest while learning lo operate heavy construction equipment - highlights work being done by a class of trainees.. ENTHUSIASTIC RESPONSE 40 Being Retrained Heavy ITie price tag's on these mas - j sive equipment units range trom $25,000 to nearly $50,000." Opera - tors must be alert to minor :brcakdowns, They must check oil, fuel and. other features to avoid earth - breakdowns. Engineers lor tne west vir - : North Charleston - North Charles ton Hardware. South Charleston — Gorhy's Music Ca. . '.' - ': At.lefl,. hulMmer operators have just - completed a .turning maneuver and are returning to a spot where they will drop the' blades (or another cut.inlD the .earth. At Ihe right, Instructor James Pruett, right, a veteran operator. Mach ale school - classroom. Before I™ „nj„ ..mhccss, the way these men are tne educational train mg ■ pro - h(, t o( ,he ln^ear fnrest ,m - l?""» •»•"• "Z \7' Z ' a different, appearance. . j^/^^tSKa^t^ " orettv strakht oath so far. This is trie area wnere a iu - |y ngel,[ sna one - time official week heavy equipment training:^ u,e Department, of Agricul class began Monday with ■ an|lurei js coordinator, enrollment of 40. Graduation by „__„.' ,™?Diri:Ti, - n Several states have an eye on this training course to' West Vir - ainia. Handlev saw. He is go ing to Washington May 3 tf> give a progress report to the u. Hanaiey sain approximately 2,500 operating engineers were :emnloved last vear in West Vir ginia. More than 4on came from other states to fill, the manpow - ler shortage. - "this wilt give us a Chance to furnish contractors with fully qualified local opera - dors. ■ TICKETS ON SALE Ewing To Be MC For Bandaramd HarnW W F.wlnff. director of the music dsoartment cf Morris Harvey College, will serve aa master of ceremonies - for the Banda'rama which wiU be held in the Grand Arena of the Charles ton Civic ..Center on May S at 8 p.m. Announcement of Ewing's appointment ■ was made today by John Barnes, president of the Kanawha County Band Directors' Assn. which is sponsoring, the Bandarama. Bands from Kanawha County' ■12 high - schools will participate in the event with each band being allotted 10 minutes to present it: musical seloflkms, The program will be varied and a commillee Is screening all - musical selections ■to avoid duplications. Tickets went on sale today and the cost is |1 tor adults and M cents [or students. Tickets may. be purchased at: - Charleston — Galperin Music Co., George King: Sports Center, Guthrie and Beane, r.iitle Coffee Shon. I^nderee Music Co., The Sport Mart and! Turner's Hecord ohop. West Side — Gordon's Dela ware Pharmacy, Hayn'es Appli - St. Aibans — McCtung and Mor gan. Dunbar — Miller Drug. Cabin Creek — Johnson's Mcdj cine Shop. Marnwt — Marmel Pharmacy. Clcndenin - Bond Drug and City Drug. Nitru — Miller's Nitro Drug. riupont City — BetU's Groc - i ery. Belie - Cohen Drug, Maiden - Hanson's Barher Shop. CamDbell Creek - - Haistoad's ;service ."station.. Prnce^s will ao to ihe partici pating high school band organiza - Cltarlesian, lwnnar, uuron;, nasi Bank, George Washington, Her - | bcrt Hoover, Nitro, bt. Aiuans, South Charleston. Stonewall Jaek - snn and SissonviSle. FOOD STAMP DISPLAY AT WELFARE PARLEY The U. S. Department of Agrieuttue* Food Stamp Program display attracts ihe attention of participant* in. the list Weat Virginia Welfare Conference opening here today. The federal - state program permits welfare families to obtain stamps (or food purchases instead of waiting for the distribution of surplus commodities. Weit Virginia ranks fl"h amon* atl states in program participation, Shown, from the .Mi, are Mia. Gertrude Strain, chairman of tho local arrangements committee, Robert E. Marsh*!! of th* West Virginia Dc - pariment *t Mental Hoalth of Char lesion, and Mrs. H»Ml G»it*U of Clarksburg, confer - ence prwtdetit, inAc ihpur week. They receive sub - ; La - it week the State. Supreme ■ sistence pay of $25 lo S30 a week | Court of Appeals ruled that - Guine while triu'liing: ihe reinstated to his post - that the! The U. S. Armv simplied (he ! „i „„,. , „,wu.h h> w« rfit.i jopcrBtors said extra care must be used since differenl hands, atiidins emiipment each week. '.'On the job, only one or two operators at ihe most would use a single piece ot equipment, ;Hardin explained. HAROLD W. EWING Of Morris Harvey College Six Laymen Will Honor New Citizens The Six Laymen tomorrow will hold a luncheon - reception for new citizens at the Rose City Cafeteria, Lee . and Summers streets. Honored guests ' will be the light aliens who are to become! :iti7.ens at naturaiitation cer monies Friday morning in U. S. ■District Court and the g : Mturallzed ■ in November, The Six Laymen, an anonv - ■mous group in Chajicslnn pal - terhc - d after "The Four Chaplains," welcomes new Americans but delayed the reception in November necause tne group as small. Andrew L. Blair, retiring ores idem of the Kanawha Count v Bar Assn. 'will. make' the. ad | dress of welcome during Ihe nat - iuralizalion ceremonies presided jbver by Judge John A. f i e ct Jr. '. - ." The Lavmen's nrosram, prah ably the only one of its kind, in the United Slates, is informal with the spotlight' on the new Americans. (day the Board of Health directed thai In compliance with an order from the Civil Service Commis - ision - through which the Supreme! Court's - ruling .was channeled—: Guine be formally reinstated. Today Guinc's attorney. Albert Good of Charleston, said Guine will - return' to work Monday morning, and (bat as of yestoiday he resigned from his teaching .post at the . University of Pitts - ' [Charleston dentist, - chairman of former snecia investitive committee of the Slate Dental Society and a strong Guine sup - norler. armlaudcd Guine's rein statement and called for the res - ignation qf Dr. N. H. Dyer as state director of neaiui. Dr. Leo Moses termed the instatement action "a definite unH HdcopvbH ripekion nrr fair and honest justii • Additionally. Moses said "the fact that the director of health (Dr. Dyer! found il necessary lo use such a 'flimsy'. ' charge to dismiss Dr. Guine says lo me I hot ttiR SlstB Rnorri Af Health in upholding the director has also. erreo.' Moses said the hoard - could rectify its error through requested resignation ot '■ii insiruclsa. trainee in handling a tandem' grader. This piece of equipment can do both slope. and straight grading. Thp training course will continue tor JO weeks. It is the first lo ho offered anywhere to. the country.— Daily Mail Photos by Chester Hawes, Dr. Guine Resumes Dental Health Post With State Mon. III *»■# With the' lutl authority of Ihe highest court in the stale behind him, Dr. Gerald R. Guine will return to the fifth floor office in '